REST API ======== Dynamic preferences provides an optional integration with Django REST Framework: - Serializers you can use for global and user preferences (or to extend for your own preferences) - Viewsets you can use for global and user preferences (or to extend for your own preferences) Getting started --------------- The easiest way to offer API endpoints to manage preferences in your project is to use bundled viewsets in your ````: .. code-block:: python from django.urls import include, re_path from rest_framework import routers from dynamic_preferences.api.viewsets import GlobalPreferencesViewSet from dynamic_preferences.users.viewsets import UserPreferencesViewSet router = routers.SimpleRouter() router.register(r'global', GlobalPreferencesViewSet, 'global') # Uncomment this one if you use user preferences # router.register(r'user', UserPreferencesViewSet, 'user') api_patterns = [ re_path(r'^preferences/', include(router.urls, namespace='preferences')) ] urlpatterns = [ # your other urls here re_path(r'^api/', include(api_patterns, namespace='api')) ] Endpoints --------- For each preference viewset, the following endpoints are available: Example reverse and urls are given according to the previous snippet. You'll have to adapt them to your own URL namespaces and structure. List ^^^^^^^ - Methods: GET - Returns a list of preferences - Reverse example: ``reverse('api:preferences:global-list')`` - URL examples: - List all preferences ``/api/preferences/global/`` - List all preferences under ``blog`` section ``/api/preferences/global/?section=blog`` Detail ^^^^^^^ - Methods: GET, PATCH - Get or update a single preference - Reverse example: ``reverse('api:preferences:global-detail', kwargs={'pk': 'section__name'})`` - URL example: ``/api/preferences/global/section__name`` If you call this endpoint via PATCH HTTP method, you can update the preference value. The following payload is expected:: { value: 'new_value' } .. note:: When updating the preference value, the underlying serializers will call the preference field validators, and the preference ``validate`` method, if any is available. Bulk ^^^^^ - Methods: POST - Update multiple preferences at once - Reverse example: ``reverse('api:preferences:global-bulk')`` - URL example: ``/api/preferences/global/bulk`` If you call this endpoint via POST HTTP method, you can update the the value of multiple preferences at once. Example payload:: { section1__name1: 'new_value', section2__name2: false, } This will update the preferences whose identifiers match ``section1__name1`` and ``section2__name2`` with the corresponding values. .. note:: Validation will be called for each preferences, ans save will only occur if no error happens. A note about permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``GlobalPreferencesViewSet`` will check the user has the ``dynamic_preferences.change_globalpreferencemodel`` permission - ``UserPreferencesViewSet`` will check the user is logged in and only allow him to edit his own preferences.