React to updates of preferences

Sometimes, it may be necessary to do something once a preference was updated, e.g. invalidate some caches, re-generate a stylesheet, or whatever.

Therefore, a signal is emitted after any preference was updated.

Writing a signal receiver

First, you need to write a signal receiver that runs code once the signal is emitted. A signal receiver is a simple function that takes the arguments of the signal, which are:

  • sender - the PreferenceManager of the changed preference

  • section - the section in which a preference was changed

  • name - the name of the changed preference

  • old_value - the value of the preference before changing

  • new_value - the value assigned to the preference after the change

An example that just prints a message that the preference was changed is below.

# yourapp/

def notify_on_preference_update(sender, section, name, old_value, new_value, **kwargs):
    print("Preference {} in section {} changed from {} to {}".format(
        name, section, old, new))

Registering the receiver

You must register the signal receiver at some point, e.g. in the ready method of your app.

# yourapp/
from django.apps import AppConfig

from dynamic_preferences.signals import preference_updated

from .util import notify_on_preference_update

class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
    def ready(self):